Usher & Greeters Ministry
Our mission is to provide supportive services to the pastor and his wife; to greet and seat the saints and visitors while maintaining an atmosphere of reverence during sacred moments of delivery of the word of God and the call to discipleship.
For a day in thy courts [is] better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. ~ Psalms 84:10

Hospitality Greeters
We help the Pastor fulfill the vision God has given him by making those who come through the doors of the church feel at home. Our responsibility is to help all who come to worship feel joy, sincerity, importance, peace and comfort when they enter the doors of the church. It is so important that we help everyone feel welcomed. The Word of God calls us an ambassador of the Most High God to His people. This means that we are His spokespersons on Earth. It is essential to understand as a Greeter, we are the first persons that visitors and members see when they enter the church door, we have to always show the love of Christ. It is our responsibility to let visitors and members know that we humbly appreciate their fellowship with us. We are committed to ensuring guest are served, needs and concerns are met, and that they feel the joy of the Lord upon entering our Worship Service.
Healthcare Professionals
Our mission is to support and assist the pastor to have a healthier congregation in mind, body, and spirit. We believe in divine healing, education to enlighten, and giving of self to help the sick.