Pastor’s Wife
Lady Valerie M. Gould

Lady Gould was baptized in Jesus’ name at the age of seven. At the age of 12 she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during Sunday night testimony service at Greater Bethlehem Temple (GBT). She has faithfully served three pastors in many capacities across several ministries. From her service as a Sunday school teacher, church secretary, usher and choir director, Lady Gould has always had a heart for the people of God. As Chairlady of the Mother’s Club, she seeks to help parents rear their children as the Lord has ordained.
Lady Gould serves by her husband’s side as he leads the people of God. She assists Bishop Gould in ministering to families on how to care address natural matters through spiritual instruction. Bishop and Lady Gould have been happily married for over 40 years. She is the mother to four children Rosetta, Crystal, Calvin II, and Candace and eight grandchildren. Lady Gould’s goal has been to keep Jesus first in her life, knowing that if she keeps him first, he will add everything she needs.

The Gould Family