G.B.T.Y.P. Youth Ministry
G.B.T.Y.P. Youth Ministry (God is Building The Young People) mission is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to them that are lost “for we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes” for we have a charge through the power of the Holy Ghost to inspire the youth to live out their purpose in Christ, and to encourage spiritual and natural growth in the minds of the youth in preparing them for saved life in this present world, motivating them to action and igniting the youth, through the power of their faith being saved and confident in every facet of life, as members of the GBT church family and the body of Christ.
G.B.T.Y.P. Officers:
- Deac. Rahsaan Walls, Youth Ministry Leader
- Sis. Kendra Carter, Assistant